Monday, April 2, 2012

Huntington, West Virginia

OK, so I'm taking a well deserved study break to write a little bit about my experience in Huntington, West Virginia on choir tour.

In February, roughly 40 college aged hooligans set out on a tour of the American South.  Our first stop?  Huntington, West Virginia, home of Marshall College.  We gave a quick concert at a Methodist Church and got our home stays.  Having done a few home stays, I had the image of the typical homestay family in my mind.  A happy, relatively warm couple in their late 60's who appreciate the arts, God, and miss their children.  What we got instead?  College kids.  Incredibly nice, slightly flamboyant music majors.  My mind was blown.

The night began with one of our hosts saying "Oh no, don't drive us through the meth district.  Oh look, there's another coke ho."  The night ended with a trip to a "club" (a 15 X 20 room) named something akin to "the floundering whale" and to Jimmy John's (they're open until 4AM).  In between those experiences, we talked music and choir tours with our hosts and participated in a "game?" that involved everyone singing a random note and then resolving the chord.

So Huntington, WV: music, coke ho's, and floundering whales.  Here's to the daily adventures.

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