Monday, April 23, 2012

Into Siena

OK, so I made it to Siena, Italy in one piece!  It's about 9 PM here and just chilling on the couch in our pretty cold apartment enjoying better internet than I've had in the past 3 years.  The past two days feel like one really long one, but isn't that the way it always is when you fly?  Back in Atlanta, a few friends and I hit up the public zoo, only to realize that zoo designers have clearly never actually visited one as a tourist.  I don't care what foliage an animal needs to survive, do not put it in front of the stupid glass pane I'm supposed to look through to see the animal.  Any kid who has played Zoo Tycoon for longer than an hour knows this, they also know that dinosaurs are real and can be zoo exhibits, but that's beside the point. 
Anyways,  I peaced out of Hotlanta for Rome, with a pretty brief stop in Chicago (everyone please look at your maps and realize that I had to fly away from Italy before I could fly to Italy, maybe there's a reason the airlines keep declaring bankruptcy...).  Anyhow, after an incredibly long flight filled with two delicious meals (well done American Airlines) and a silent animated movie about two birds that may or may not have turned into people in a parade in Rio (I was dozing in and out), I landed in beautiful Roma.  Well, technically, just outside of beautiful Roma at Airoporto Leonardo de Vinci.  A sleepy bus ride up the country side, filled with sheep, goats, and alpacas (maybe llamas, but alpaca sounds cooler) and we were in Siena.  This is Siena:
We had dinner in the plaza:
And meandered Siena for a while, doing a pretty good job at getting lost...

Last comment before I go pass out...Italians have magic cars.  Some of the tight streets they get their cars down and parking jobs that seem pretty impossible imply that their cars must come with some magic abilities.  Moreover, not a single one was scratched, thus proving that their is witchcraft in the wheels.  Cheers to the daily adventure.

1 comment:

  1. Im so jealous.Would love to be there.It looks so beautiful
