Ahhhh, Atlanta! Home of the Braves, Coke, and probably other stuff too. So I'm looking for another distraction from studying for finals. Since, for some reason, I have no desire to do physics, I'll take a moment or two to blog about another daily adventure from choir tour 2012 in Atlanta.
By the time our tour bus rolled into the ATL, the forty of us had spent quite a few hours with each other. Nerf gun wars had been waged on the bus, ended abruptly by one of the darts hitting the driver. Concerts had come and gone, with varying degrees of success. But, we were ready to stay in one city for a bit longer than a night. Atlanta meant 3 days in one place, one free day, and no more homestays. We pulled up to the hotel, and Ernest, our driver, pulled this giant tour bus into this deceptively small driveway in front of the hotel, much to the dismay of the lobby staff. Some security guard came running out looking as if we had literally set fire to the hotel, and begins to bang on the doors of the bus. "You...you...you can't park here! Are you sure you're even at the right hotel?" Yeah, it was going to be that kind of stay. The following few nights, we learned that the walls in this hotel were so thin and our fellow patrons so irritable that if you were to watch a basketball game and cheer at roughly 10 PM, the lobby staff was called to berate you. Amid threats of being kicked out, we all promised to try harder to be quiet next time (I think we totaled something around 12 complaints between the 10 or so rooms we had booked). The hotel staff agreed that this was a bit ridiculous and begged us to do nothing but sleep in our rooms and to keep any activity other than simply breathing to the lobby. Fair enough, if you want 40 college kids chilling in your ultra-swanky lobby, by all means, we'll accommodate you.
Our day off in Atlanta, a group of four decided to hit both Coke-World and the Aquarium, quite a task to accomplish within only 4 hours. Obviously we started with coke. The lines were short but the buzz was great. There was a room where you could try 48 different flavors of Coke: challenge accepted. We tried cokes from Europe (a brand from Italy, Stoney or something is absolutely terrible). Cokes from Asia were just about as weird as expected. African coke was pretty high quality surprisingly, but clearly no one does coke like South America. By the time we got to the final station, the North American coke, my teeth literally hurt but not as much as stomach. Coke really is rough on your body. But, we were triumphant! And for our efforts? We got a hug from a creepy polar bear and a free glass bottle of coke.
By the time we came down from Coke world, we were exhausted, but we still had the aquarium to do. Our aquatic adventure began with music theater WITH DOPLPHINS! An indoor amphitheater with a giant fish tank played host to the story of Star-spinner, a cross between Jack Sparrow and Lady Gaga. I think, and I'm not really sure since the drunk guy behind me kept yelling at the dolphins to jump, that the plot was essentially that our hero's ship sunk so he used dolphins to kill some alien people and stole their ship and used it and some audience-based magic to bring his ship up from the depths. Audience-based magic? Oh, yes, we were asked to help by singing "higher, higher raise it higher" and "from the depths, it will rise." It wasn't our best performance, the drunk guy really brought us down. The rest of the aquarium was pretty cool, but a lot less magical than our adventure with star-spinner.
Overall, Atlanta was pretty cool. Nothing was as awesome, though, as the food from The Varsity. The staff was a little scary, I felt bad that I didn't know exactly what I wanted to eat when I got to the counter. But it worked out. If you ever wondered why "the obesity epidemic" has struck the American South so hard, eat at The Varsity and understand. Comprehend, that in its greasy, fatty glory, the Varsity is both addictive and slowly promoting Type II diabetes.
Alright, back to Electricity and Magnetism. Cheers to the daily adventure.
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