The trees seemed to be reaching for them, the shadows curling their gnarled fingers toward them. There was something in these woods. If they could only get out. The heavy crunch of their feet on broken twigs and rocks as they ran through the steamy forest echoed in their heads, matching the pace of their quickening heart beats. Sweat rolled down his back, sending shivers through his body despite the heat. Then they heard it, the snarl and scratch that meant something was around the corner of the trail. They turned, not knowing exactly what they would see. As they rounded the corner, they were greeted by three freshly-made zombies. They had to pass them. There was no way around. As they tried to run through, they were snagged. The zombies were too fast, there were too many of them. They were done.

In March, Kim and I had the pleasure of running a Zombie Run 5k through the woods/swamps. We were not quite risking our lives, but we were risking our flags. We each had three flags that represented our lives. Zombies were placed throughout the path with the sole purpose of stealing our flags. Sadly, neither of us made it the whole way without losing all of our flags. But, we did learn a bit about ourselves. I learned that alternating sprinting and running is pretty miserable, especially with a twisted ankle. Kim learned that in the case of a zombie apocalypse, maybe she should not run in front of me, since I may or may not accidentally push her toward them...
As part of the Zombie Run, we were also supposed to have a color run in the afternoon. Unfortunately, pretty intense thunderstorms rolled in and the color run was canceled. So, looking like we just survived a zombie apocolypse, complete with caked on mud, sweat, and fake blood, Kim and I went to Panera and worked for the rest of the afternoon.

One might think that surviving a zombie apocalypse would be enough excitement for one month, but Kim and I were not quite satisfied. We were happy to have one of my best friends from high school, Graham, come and visit along with his friends. Being only an hour away from Disney and Universal has made Tampa a prime place to visit. While in town, Graham, friends, and I went to the beach and searched for seashells and sunrays. It is crazy how you can not see someone for the better part of a decade and then when you do meet up, it is as if no time has gone by.

Not only were we visited by Graham and friends, but my Aunt Mabel and Uncle Ken and friends had their annual beach trip. Once a year, they drive down from Newfoundland, Canada to St. Petersburg, Florida. It was a great chance to catch up with family that I do not often get to see. We chatted family, politics (it was the day Marco Rubio suspended his presidential campaign). One day, we will definitely have to make the journey up to the mystical rock in the ocean.
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